Team Building Movie Making

Is it possible to use the creation of a short movie spot as a training event and for Team Building? At first glance this would seem to be a leisure activity. But, in fact, movie making requires great organizational skills, teamwork and ability of time management! That’s why our Team Building Movie Making in Saudi Arabia can teach a lot to employees and managers.

Team Building Movie Making: Managers behind a camera

Movie Making is a unique format for building a team. It is much more than a typical corporate slogan. This team building facilitates the creation of a special competitive advantage while expressing the deep emotional connection of employees with the company. Team spirit is a key component of a successful team. Such is the conclusion to which have come many psychologists and surveys of independent agencies. Without a warm atmosphere in the team and the presence of a team spirit, it is very difficult to imagine a well-coordinated and effective team.

Movie Making is not only a team building method. It is an amazing joint adventure that requires complete immersion in the process. And also a great boost in business skills! A mandatory element of  Team Building Movie Making is a project creation from A to Z: the team works on something very similar to a business project in the office. The differences? The short time available and the artistic focus of the project, completely different from what we usually do in the corporate environment.

During the Team Building Movie Making each team follows all the steps of the creation of an original short film. That allows to work also on the division of tasks: writing the script, acting, shooting and finally editing. Not everybody will feel good about acting and appearing on the screen, but our trainers won’t push anybody: each contribution, such as writing the script or choosing the music, is fundamental. Everyone will find his or her place in this creative and artistic teambuilding activity.

During this team building, the employer will be able to notice the “golden” employees. Those are people who are able to find non-standard solutions, work effectively in team, support colleagues and enjoy their work.

Why do successful companies choose Movie Making?

Some reasons for choosing this activity:

  • Participants are totally immersed in the process of filming, and as a result they feel liberated and open up to their colleagues.
  • It helps to understand better and feel each other during the process of movie shooting: these communication skills will be vital in the everyday work life.
  • Changing the environment helps to relieve tension and stress, so that productivity will be increased after this experience.
  • Participants exit their comfort zone, generate and discuss ideas in non-standard conditions for themselves. So, this team building activity also helps to think outside the box and express creativity that afterwards will be used in work.
  • The final movies and (optionally) the backstage video with funny failed takes are a nice add-on. They can be reviewed at corporate events, shown to members of the team who couldn’t be present at the event, or even used in internal or external communication of the company.

A fun and effective Creative Team Building

Team Building Movie Making is a creative format that can adapt to various training or business animation purposes. It transmits impactful training messages with a serious or light, ironic and engaging style. But it also can represent an experience of pure fun.

Moreover, as regards to the intensity of the team building experience, in the Movie Making context you can synthesize in a few hours themes that could have required several days of training. This is why this format is able to meet the needs of small but also medium-large companies. In fact, it allows to manage complex and various topics with a reduced economic and organizational expense.

Another advantage is the possibility of adapt the activity to small or, on the contrary, to very large groups. We’ve already tried this teambuilding format for only 4 people or for 600. And it’s always been a huge success!

Many hours of set? No, thanks!

To produce a spot you don’t need long weeks of shooting! Thanks to the up-to-date technologies we use and to the help and advice of our specialized trainers, participants will be able to do all the work and get the final product in just a few hours.


Of course, it’s better if you can dedicate at least half day to the Movie Making team building activity. In this case, the teams have time for elaborating the ideas, preparing perfectly all the shoots, and edit the movie with accuracy.

But, in some cases we had to adapt to the very short time we had available, such as only 2 hours of total time… and the result were still highly valuable, both for the impact on the teamwork and the artistic products!

movie making
Organize your next teambuilding event with us!

Movie Making Team Building: what are the rules?

For William Shakespeare, “all the world is a stage”. In the same way, each company is a movie set on which dozens of characters move every day. Movie Making aims first of all at them, at individuals and not just roles and functions of the company. In the Team Building Movie Making in Saudi Arabia, the teams carry out all the phases of the artistic process that leads to the creation of a film. They write the screenplay and the dialogues, choose the location, the music and the special effects, dress and makeup the actors, shoot and edit the movie. The result is a short film or spot dedicated to a company product or service, its history, a convention theme or any other topic.

The division of roles is fundamentally crucial but also collaboration and ability to listen to each other. In a short time and with few available tools, too great ideas have to be abandoned or reduced in favor of a realistic but bright idea. And in this process everyone’s contribution is important. It’s not time to be shy! Some team members turn into actors to appear in the spot. And they better be good at it. In fact, in the end of the event we can organize an “Oscar ceremony” with actual prizes.

Which are the best locations?

The location options for this creative team building can be many and different from one another: a fashionable hotel, a resort on the beach, or even the city streets. In this last case we talk about an Urban Movie Making. Flexibility and adaptability of the format is indeed one of its greatest elements of success.

We work in all geographic contexts to offer you best solutions!

Organize your next teambuilding event with us!